Meet The Team
Meet the faces behind Fat Batch Aberdeen.

Role: Owner
Favourite Bake: Caramel Filled Mars Crispie
I started Fat Batch in the peak of lockdown while still working a 9-5 office job. I had too much free time on my hands and decided to make a food blog on instagram documenting all our lockdown meals. If you scroll down far enough you’ll see all the OG posts. I started to do the odd bake and then… the brookie was born. It all snowballed from there and my DMs were flooded with people trying to get their hands on the infamous brookie boxes which would sell within seconds. Back then I only had one voluntary member of staff, Michael who took up the roll as chief taste tester and has worked his way up to co-owner. Fast forward 3 years and we’ve opened up our first shop, selling over 3000 bakes per month and nearly reaching 20k followers on instagram
We have the best team I could ever have imagined and I am so excited to see what the future holds for Fat Batch!

Role: Co-Owner & Chief Taste Tester
Favourite Bake: There’s not much Michael doesn’t like but he does enjoy a white choc & raspberry blondie
Michael has been there from Day 1. Whether that be taste tester or running to the shop at 3am when I’ve been in the middle of a baking crisis. Fat Batch wouldn’t have been possible without him. He gave up his full time job and took the risk to start up this new venture with me but don’t think he realised he was signing up to 16+ hour shifts and dealing with “the two idiots in the kitchen”. Michael is chief Barista and loves it when people tell him he makes “the best coffee in Aberdeen.”

Role: Baker & A Bit of Everything
Favourite Bake: Wispa Gold Brookie
Chrissie has worked with us for just over a year and I can’t remember shop life without her. She is such an asset to our wee team and has helped us out so much. Chrissie is designated blondie baker and there’s no wonder her thicc fudgy blondies sell out so quick. The shop would be boring without Chrissie and we love having her as part of our wee team.

Role: Digital Designer
Favourite Bake: Kinder & Nutella Blondie
Every sticker or branding you see from us is designed by Sam. After knowing Sam for a wee while I reached out to her and asked if she could design the very first Fat Batch logo! No idea is too crazy for Sam, I’m surprised she’s not sick of us asking to design pigs in every way possible. We’re so glad we have her onboard to make our crazy ideas a reality.

Role: Social Media Influencer
Favourite Bake: Puppuccino - XL with all the toppings
“As soon as I was taken home I was put straight to work, anything from modelling for instagram to giving my mum cuddles for her many baking meltdowns.
Taste testing was not part of my job description but I did give it a go on the sly which earned me a trip to the vet.
I love going to the shop and running riot.
Everyone feeds me puppuccinos, it’s the best.”